Business, Pay Per View
Adjust Your Mindset, Content, and Schedule
Marketing and social media expert Jenna Quentin walks you through the strategies behind adjusting your mindset, content, and schedule to maximize your marketing effectiveness and grow your business.
Business, Pay Per View
Booked-Out Master Class
Dr. Karly Abel Kantarevic guides you through the building of a booked out practice. Using her experience of owning a thriving practice with a year-long wait list, she will give you the best practices and strategies to get your dream. booked-out practice.
Health/Wellness, Pay Per View, Prenatal/Postnatal
Implementing Dutch Hormone Testing
Starting your non-profit goes through the time and efforts in deciding if you can benefit from having a non-profit with 501c3 status for Public Service Loan Forgiveness and what that means for you and your business.
Business, Pay Per View
Start-Up Success
Starting your non-profit goes through the time and efforts in deciding if you can benefit from having a non-profit with 501c3 status for Public Service Loan Forgiveness and what that means for you and your business.
Business, Pay Per View
Starting Your Non-Profit
Starting your non-profit goes through the time and efforts in deciding if you can benefit from having a non-profit with 501c3 status for Public Service Loan Forgiveness and what that means for you and your business.
Business, Pay Per View
Rock Solid Records
Coding and billing doesn't have to be hard. Join Dr. Gwilliam, Senior Vice president for Practisync, certified coder and auditor, as he breaks down the most common CPT and ICD-10 codes used in chiropractic offices. Learn to avoid mistakes that cost you money and keep you too busy to take care of patients. With a thorough understanding of what you need to do to remain compliant you will be able to rest well at night and minimize your practice-related anxiety.
Business, Pay Per View
Easy Coding for Chiros
Coding and billing doesn't have to be hard. Join Dr. Gwilliam, Senior Vice president for Practisync, certified coder and auditor, as he breaks down the most common CPT and ICD-10 codes used in chiropractic offices. Learn to avoid mistakes that cost you money and keep you too busy to take care of patients. With a thorough understanding of what you need to do to remain compliant you will be able to rest well at night and minimize your practice-related anxiety.
Business, Pay Per View
Jumpstart Academy is a comprehensive guide to launching a successful chiropractic practice. This four-step course is carefully designed to empower chiropractors in building a dream practice from the ground up.
Business, Pay Per View
Strategies for Community Marketing
During her early years as a single mother and without family support, Hillary developed these unique marketing ideas through dedication to her community. In this Chiroflix video, she shares her expertise on organizing internal and external events, as well as hosting professional meet-ups.
Business, Finance, Pay Per View
Managing Finances & Revenue Organization
In this Chiroflix course, Hillary shares simple but effective steps that can set you up for a prosperous life. She concludes the film by breaking down percentages and providing a starting point for individuals to take control of their finances.